Full Pass - ACI Member (USD) ● 3 delegates or above* – 15% group discount Discount code: GROUP15 * Registering at the same time from the same company
Standard Price Price: $850.- Buy Ticket Full Pass - Non-Member (USD) ● 3 delegates or above* – 15% group discount Discount code: GROUP15 * Registering at the same time from the same company
Standard Price Price: $1,500 Buy Ticket Accompanying Person (Spouse/ Life Partner) (USD) Accompanying Person Pass allows access to Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner, Farewell Reception and Tours ONLY.
Standard Price Price: $200.- Buy Ticket Speaker Each speaker is entitled to one complimentary pass.
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket Conference Incentive Program (CIP) ACI Asia-Pacific Airport Members may utilize their CIP quota. Please contact the Regional Office at events@aci-asiapac.aero for details.
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket Exhibitor / Sponsor Exhibitors and sponsors' free passes are subject to the partnership level / benefits agreed. After your registration is submitted, you will receive a confirmation that your request has been accepted.
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket Media This event is open to the pre-registered accredited press. After your registration is submitted, you will receive a confirmation that your request has been accepted. The event's organizers reserve the right to accept or refuse a media registration request. Accredited media are requested to cover the event.
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket ACI Staff Staff option applies to staff from ACI ONLY.
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket
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