Airport Regular
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Dec 31st
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)
  • You operate one or more airports with commercial air service and which entity is primarily responsible for the management, operation and policy setting of the entire airside and/ or terminal building operations of the airport(s)
  • You are located in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East region


Membership dues are based on the number of traffic units attributed to the airport(s) to become members. The calculation of membership dues for any given year is based on the traffic unit of three years previously.


A single traffic unit is defined as:

  • One enplaned passenger
  • One deplaned passenger
  • One hundred kilograms (220 pounds) of enplaned cargo (freight + mail)
  • One hundred kilograms (220 pounds) of deplaned cargo (freight + mail)

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・one special character (@$!%*?&)
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・one upper case letter
・one lower case letter
・one number
・one special character (@$!%*?&)
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World Business Partners Information

If you are applying to be an Affiliate Member, please specify the primary region where your Regular membership is held:

Please select all that apply which could best fit your company's products and/ or services.

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Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group
Test Group

Representative Information

Official Representative (OR)

(OR shall be the company representative entitled to vote on membership matters arising, when applicable, and to receive official membership correspondence, notifications, news, etc.)

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Alternate Representative (AR)

(In the absence of OR, AR shall be entitled to vote on behalf of the OR, on membership matters arising, when applicable, and to also receive official membership correspondence, notifications, news, etc.)

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ACI Liaison (AL)

(AL shall, on behalf of the OR and AR, be a point of contact and receive official membership correspondence, notifications, news, etc.)

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